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Math is a subject that seems to distance many children, even sometimes those who are mathematically talented. If all of math is kept to the pencil and the page, then your child will lose interest. Math is something that happens every day in countless ways (try and count them!), and if math is applied to a student’s daily life it will take a more rightful place in a child’s world. First, count everything and then count it some more. Math is really just a series of glorified systems of advanced counting and measuring. Think in terms of units and always name the items you are counting: inches, centimeters, miles, lightyears, grams, kilos, degrees, pennies, pesos, euros, yen, buttons, bicycles, teeth, apples, rice -- the list is truly endless! When your kids are young, count with them. Count the plates when they set the table, count the forks when they unload the dishwasher, count the number of carrots they ate, the blocks to the library, the books they take home. Counting large numbers of small items, like pennies or pebbles or paperclips, will naturally result in grouping them by fives or tens, and early multiplication will begin. Early elementary grades can play store and learn money math and help to count change as they shop. They can run a lemonade stand (make sure they reimburse mom for the initial outlay and figure out their profit), and use math in daily projects and tasks. Make math part of a living curriculum and your children will grow up math literate. Read a math teacher's comment about how math is taught in schools today, and why it should be taught differently: Lockhart's Lament. At the end, there is a link to download the article in pdf format. EconomicsEconomics studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, so it involves math, geography, history, and political science. Page Index
Math "toys" and kits:
Math Worksheets
Computer games:
Math-related games:
Curriculum "candy":
Activities * Curricula and Games * Museums and Exhibits * Economics Websites * Books on Economics
Economics is not just money. It's businesses and how they work. It's lemonade stands and how many dollars they take in. It's toy collecting and baseball card collections. It's taxes and allowances. It's stocks and bonds. Economics is part of almost everything you could ever think about.
Economics is a required half-year course for high school, but you can introduce this subject at any age. There are many ways to teach economics without having to use a standardized text or take an exam or an AP course.
See also What's Free or Cheap in NYC - Science and Math (including Economics)
For ages 9 and up:
For ages 5 and up: